Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Is it too much to ask for your partner to be happy around you? It shouldn't be hard, it should be a given. It feels as though some days I have to make an effort to be extra happy to make up for his lack of happiness. I see him at work being so nice and conversational with customers, which I know is good for the business and he has to do it, but as soon as work finishes he doesn't talk to me and if I try to be happy he shuts me down. Lately I've sort of given up, I'm tired.

I rang him just then from my brother's phone. The conversation went a little something like this:

Him: "Hey buddy, what's up?" (Thinking it was my brother)
Me: "Hey, it's me"
Him: "oh.."

Is it too much to ask for freaking common courtsey?!?! Personally, I find that rude.

Sometimes I feel as though he's angry at me for no particular reason. Why be like that? Is it so hard to be nice? Maybe we're just too comfortable with each other that he feels like he doesn't have to try. Don't get me wrong..he is a fantastic boyfriend. He's everything that I would look for in a partner but it just seems as though I'm not really up there on his list of priorities.

Sigh... I know I said that I wanted to fill this blog with positive and uplifting posts but I'm really not in the mood at the moment. Maybe I'll just fill this things with things to think about. After all, you can't have positive without negative, lightness without darkness and happiness without sorrow...

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